Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3

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March 14 to 28, 2025

Paul valéry's university, montpellier 3

France                                                                                                                                                                                       Galerie Dolet, CROUS Clermont Auvergne, 25 rue Etienne Dolet, Clermont-Ferrand

Paul-Valéry University is an institution specialized in the humanities, human and social sciences, languages and the arts. The training provided by the Cinema-Audiovisual and New Media Department aims to provide students with a general background that focuses on the historical context of the performing arts as well as on the analysis of their situation in the contemporary artistic institution (aesthetics, economics, sociology). In addition to this theoretical approach, students receive practical training that enables them to become familiar with techniques, materials, and know-how. The master’s degree in digital creation in this department aims to develop versatile and autonomous individuals with fundamental artistic and technical skills in the field of moving images and interactive systems.

Website : https://www.univ-montp3.fr/

Course presentation:

The aim of the Master’s in Documentary Creation is to train students in documentary creation through theoretical and critical reflection seminars, as well as writing, directing and editing workshops, providing applied project-based teaching.

Coordinator: Claire Chatelet

The film program was produced as part of my course entitled “Écritures hybrides du réel”. This 18-hour module aims to explore the aesthetic and narrative challenges of new documentary forms, using digital technologies in creative and meaningful ways. It comprises 8 hours of theory and 10 hours of practice. A model must be presented at the end of the 10h workshop.

This practical component, which is part of a renewed approach to “found footage”, is made up of three stages:

– choice of subjects, group creation and presentation of the concept

– selection of data on the internet and reflection on writing style

– editing from the selected data, image processing, voice-over recording (if necessary) and audio editing.

There are 4 or 5 students in a group so that the tasks can be divided up. A demo must be presented at the end of the 10-hour workshop.

The films must update Nicolas Bourriaud’s concept of the art of “post-production” and Lev Manovich’s “aesthetics of selection-combination”.


Master 1 Digital creation (2023-2024):

To be archived | Arthur Lampin, Chloé Fris, Thomas Thiebaut | 2024 | 2’29

The Internet Archive is a foundation created with the aim of archiving books, videos, images and web pages for posterity and making them accessible to as many people as possible. The sheer quantity of available resources brings us face to face with the paradox of the nature of content produced on the Internet: while some is created and shared for the sole purpose of being seen and forgotten, some is relentlessly devoted to preserving and archiving as much as possible that is beneficial to knowledge and worth keeping. Here, contents multiply like fractals, merging with others in a hypnotic, labyrinthine fashion.

Does the algorithm have a moral ? | Sarah Bonté, Kamilia Bouaziz, Manon Gerin, Élodie Guillot | 2024 | 7’10

Our short film deals with the accessibility of violent content on social networks such as TikTok and web platforms such as YouTube. The aim is to make viewers aware of the lack of control over what we consume on the internet in general. Algorithms dominate the choice of content, making no distinction between keywords and their meanings, poisoning the content on offer. We conducted an experiment with a fake account over several weeks to test the logic of recommendation algorithms and demonstrate their “amorality”. Our method consists of recording our computer screens during searches, relying mainly on comments, titles and explanatory videos. We don’t show any explicit videos or photos of these subjects, so as not to promote them.

Dataclips | Quentin Garnier, Sarah Loison, Aloïs Massol, Nicolas Mathe | 2024 | 2’45

The “major” events in our history didn’t happen overnight. On the contrary, the media have always seized on the subject before any form of ocialization. Dataclips is a visual mix of daily newspapers which, under a constant flow of sound information, decomposes until it reaches a sudden point of no return. At first, we try to discern among the pixels a voice, a silhouette that would make sense of this new environment.

Master 2 documentary creation (2024-2025): 

Legatura | Imane Hassab, Jessica Munteanu, Joséphine Pialat | 2024 | 4’23

Two little girls, in the form of isometric avatars, meet on a virtual online game. Torn between their homeland and France, they build their own identities in a world of pixels. As the game progresses, they talk about the ups and downs of their exile, and the difficulties of finding their place in a world of borders.

Palimpseste | Fabien Becourt, Paul Mahieux, Morgane Ihuel | 2024 | 2’53

The aim of this short film, whose sound space is made up of parasitic sounds, theremin sounds and voice-o, is to explore the dematerialized body in digital space. The so-called physical body is no more when it becomes involved in the digital universe. Calls, networks and games are all spaces where our identity is reinvented, redenied: we can be anyone. Our bodies become dematerialized and deteriorate.

Austerity Plan | Clara Bruno, Estelle Hernandez | 2024 | 4’51

A sign disappears in Google maps. A helicopter arrives too late and a baby dies. A gamer gives birth to his girlfriend in Minecraft. Circulez, il n’y a rien à voir“, says ”C dans l’air”. Nothing to see, really? This desktop lm looks at the consequences of government budget cuts.

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