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Collective Exhibition – From Friday, March 18 to Saturday, April 2

Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3

France / 14'15
Galerie Dolet, Crous Clermont Auvergne, 25 rue Étienne Dolet, Clermont Ferrand

Paul-Valéry University is an institution specialized in the humanities, human and social sciences, languages and the arts. The training provided by the Cinema-Audiovisual and New Media Department aims to provide students with a general background that focuses on the historical context of the performing arts as well as on the analysis of their situation in the contemporary artistic institution (aesthetics, economics, sociology). In addition to this theoretical approach, students receive practical training that enables them to become familiar with techniques, materials, and know-how. The master’s degree in digital creation in this department aims to develop versatile and autonomous individuals with fundamental artistic and technical skills in the field of moving images and interactive systems.

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About the course:

The film program was produced as part of the course entitled “Hybrid Writings of Reality”, directed by Claire Chatelet, lecturer in audiovisual and new media. This 18-hour module aims to question the aesthetic and narrative issues of new documentary forms, using digital technologies in a creative and meaningful way. It is structured around an 8-hour theoretical component and a 10-hour practical component devoted to the production of “desktop films”. The creative constraint is to make documentary films in an intensive mode, using only images and videos found on the Internet.

This practical component, which is part of a renewed approach to “found footage”, is made up of three stages:
– choice of subjects, group creation and presentation of the concept
– selection of data on the internet and reflection on writing style
– editing from the selected data, image processing, voice-over recording (if necessary) and audio editing.

There are 4 or 5 students in a group so that the tasks can be divided up. A demo must be presented at the end of the 10-hour workshop.

The films must update Nicolas Bourriaud’s concept of the art of “post-production” and Lev Manovich’s “aesthetics of selection-combination”.


Entrêves / Antoine Luigi, Thomas Fraysse, Lucas Danoeuvre, Alexis Poinot / 2021 / 6’40

Entrêves is an experimental documentary about sleep paralysis based on images and videos from found footage on the Internet. This data was retouched by applying visual effects with the software program After Effects. 3D models were also placed in the documentary to create disturbing visions. A voice-over (made from real interviews) explains what a person suffering from sleep paralysis can experience.

House for Rent / Elise Vandenberghe, Valentin Braem, Cécile Chevanne, David Hiribarne / found footage, processing using After Effects / 2021 / 5’01

House for Rent is an experimental documentary that aims to raise awareness of the consequences of the mass expansion of cities on man and the environment. The construction machine cannot be stopped, what could appear as child’s play at the beginning seems to gradually overwhelm its creator.

Réminiscences / Matteo Basso, Marie Courregelongue, Adem Yilmaz, Camille Seck / found footage, video editing and use of the software program After Effects, sound editing with Audacity, glitch technique on Audacity / 2021 / 2’34

Reminiscences deals with disappearance. It is with an imposing soundtrack that we recount the difficulty of telling a story after a tragedy when the only thing we have left is the sound. How can sound fragments from black boxes allow us to rebuild an image?


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