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Saturday, March 19 – Sunday, March 20


Salle Boris-Vian, Maison de la Culture, 1 Rue Abbé de l'Épée, Clermont-Ferrand

Screenings followed by a Q&A time

Awards : Sunday, March 16, 7pm – Salle Boris-Vian
Free access


– Prix de la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand / VIDEOFORMES 2025
– Prix du Conseil Départemental du Puy-de-Dôme / VIDEOFORMES 2025
– Prix Universités Clermont Auvergne des étudiants / VIDEOFORMES 2025
– Prix Émergences Vidéo – Pépinières Européennes de Création will be awarded to works by artists under the age of 36.

VIDEOFORMES also hosts a jury for the Prix de l’Œuvre Expérimentale de la Scam (Société Civile des Artistes Multimédias), in the category of Emerging Writings and Forms, bringing together films from the official VIDEOFORMES competition, the labo competition at the Festival international du court-métrage de Clermont-Ferrand, and the C’est trop court festival in Nice.

Professional Jury

Each year, VIDEOFORMES joins forces with its institutional partners to award 3 prizes: the Prix VIDEOFORMES de la Ville de Clermont-Ferrand, the Prix VIDEOFORMES du Conseil Départemental du Puy-de-Dôme and the Prix VIDEOFORMES de l’Université Clermont Auvergne.

Agnès Guillaume (FRA)

Agnès Guillaume was born in Leuven in 1962. She works between Brussels and Paris. Trained as a musician, she turned to video art in 2010. Since then, her practice has expanded to include mixed media on paper, embroidery and sculpture.

Mirrors of the intimate, Agnès Guillaume’s videos poetically reflect self-awareness, suggesting the coexistence of a multiple intimate reality that the viewer is led to re-recognize. They are often designed to be exhibited as sculptures. In contrast to any single certainty or thought, they invite an open, critical and personal gaze. Prints on paper, taken from certain videos and reworked in mixed media, are more than a trace of the video; they are a lasting materialization of the sensation that never ceases to vanish in the moving image.

Agnès Guillaume also practices embroidery based on her own drawings, ranging from small, intimate formats to a remarkable series of large male nudes. Her work is enjoying growing international success and is included in numerous public and private collections.

Website :

Nathalie Amae (FRA)

Artistic director, critical writer and strategic consultant, she devotes herself to the conception and development of interdisciplinary projects focusing on the interactions between image, language and sound.

Her expertise spans contemporary art, visual arts, design, architecture and publishing. Her work revolves around notions of energy, event and atmosphere, revealing the convergences between aesthetics, cultures and technologies. Her research and collaborations, notably with Savage Collective, aim to decipher and analyze the history of creative and societal dynamics in order to produce a novel methodology of artistic engineering.

She cultivates a predilection for Art & Science projects and programmatic perspectives featuring emerging artists.

Levente Kozma (rou)

Levente Kozma is an artist, curator, and cultural manager living and working in Timișoara, România.
Since 2005, he has been the Artistic Director of the SIMULTAN Festival, an annual event dedicated to media art, experimental music, and sound.

He is the co-founder of SIMULTANorg, an artist-run organization that acts as a transdisciplinary platform for emerging art, research, and artistic experimentation.

He has initiated and coordinated numerous events, research-based artistic projects, exhibitions, concerts, and workshops, including: Sonic Narratives (2020–present), a public space project dedicated to various sonic art forms in relation to the natural and urban environment; Schizophonia Sessions (2010–present), an irregular event series showcasing experimental and abstract music performances in different spaces; The Secondary Sonic Space (2018), a collaborative immersive installation exploring the soundscape of Timișoara; Progres. Paradigm Shifts (2020–present), site-specific artistic interventions in the former public tram depot and workshops in Timișoara, Waiting Spaces (2011–2017), a research and artistic intervention project that examines public space and its transformations in recent history.


With the support of the Clermont Auvergne University Culture Department, VIDEOFORMES invites three students to take part in the festival and attend the screenings. They work alongside the professional jury to independently award the Prix Université Clermont Auvergne des Étudiants (€1,000).

Julien Csak

Licence Arts du Spectacle (Université Clermont Auvergne – UFR LCSH)

Charles Fredon

École Supérieure d’Art de Clermont Métropole (ESACM)

Yanis Da Silva

Licence Arts du Spectacle (Université Clermont Auvergne – UFR LCSH)

Selection committee members (choice of videos for official selection): Pierre Bouyer, Éric André-Freydefont, Marie-Sylviane Buzin, Stéphane Haddouche,  Gabriel Soucheyre, Benedicte Haudebourg


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