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Collective Exhibition – From Friday, March 18 to Saturday, April 2

École Supérieure d’Art de Lorraine, site de Metz

France / 14'54
Galerie Dolet, Crous Clermont Auvergne, 25 rue Étienne Dolet, Clermont Ferrand

The École supérieure d’art de Lorraine, ÉSAL, a public establishment for cultural cooperation, was born from the merging of the École de l’Image d’Épinal and the École supérieure d’art de Metz Métropole in January 2011. In January 2014, the EPCC ÉSAL integrated the Cefedem de Lorraine, a training center for dance and music teachers, which now constitutes the music and dance pole of the ÉSAL.

The ÉSAL site in Metz is structured around workshops, laboratories and research centers on interactivity, spatialization, photography and video. The institution of higher artistic education delivers national diplomas in Design of expression, Art and Communication.

The establishment of higher artistic education delivers national diplomas: the National Diploma of Art, DNA, in three options Design of expression, Art and Communication, three diplomas habilitated to the grade of Licence; the National Superior Diploma of Plastic Expression, DNSEP, in options Art and Communication, two diplomas habilitated to the grade of Master. The music and dance department delivers a DE, State Diploma, one in music and one in dance.

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“Film Essai” course (Director: Pierre Villemin):

The “Film Essai” workshop is intended for students in the 2nd year of the ART option at ESAL – Metz.

They worked from archives, stories, and contemporary personal experiences to develop film-based narrative processes that have in common a certain way of approaching “reality”. Their words are distinctive, and they expressed themselves using a filmic vocabulary studied throughout the year, either by doing exercises or by watching films by authors such as Alain Cavalier, Robert Cahen, Ismaël Joffroy Chantoudis, Henri François Imbert, Chris Marker, Jafar Panahi, Olivier Smolders, Agnès Varda, Huang Pang Chuan…


Anboo / Seohyeon Kim / 2021 / 4’14

March 16, 2020. That day everything changed. My life in lockdown is suddenly disturbed by a voice mail from a Korean friend.

Berthe / Lou Musiol / 2021 / 3’25

My grandmother was a witch. After her death, I became one too, like all the women in my family. What is it like to be a witch? What is it like to be a woman? I look for answers through the memory of Berthe. By mixing the time periods and the words of three women who knew her, I try to shed light on the sisterhood that links us.

Comptine d’un autre souvenir (Nursery rhyme of another memory) / Léa Pesant / 2021 / 8’30

Ferdinand Pierre Nicolas Hissette was born on January 9, 1937. Ferdinand likes to garden, he does not like the crows that eat the cherries on his cherry tree. He loves pasta but does not like lemons. Ferdinand had three daughters, two granddaughters and four grandsons. You now know as much about my grandfather as I do.

Le manque partagé (The shared void) / Jisu Lee / 2021 / 5’38

I look at a chair and feel a little affection for it. There is something missing between us. I start a conversation with it to try to “communicate”.


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