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Saturday, March 15 – 7pm > 1h

Collective musical creation

Le Lieu-Dit /// Le Club

Service Université Culture

Fred Roz / teaching responsibility Emmanuel Jarrousse

> A performance by students in the “collective musical creation” workshop supervised by Fred Rozen, in complicity with the UCA's Service Université Culture.

Hosted in the studios of ESCAM (Ecole Supérieure d’Arts de Clermont Métropole), this workshop will bring together student musicians from a wide range of musical practices and aesthetics around a musical creation project linked to the image (video, short film, visual arts, etc.), based on a playful approach exploring different forms of spontaneous, unwritten musical language.

The aim is to create a “musical togetherness” based on the development of an original creation that draws its constituent elements from the singularities of each individual.

Instrumental practices, learning paths, musical aesthetics, experiences, origins, musical cultures, etc., will all be parameters to be shared and pooled in order to transform them into creative tools.

In this same playful approach, the aim is also to be able to integrate into this work times for meetings and public productions. >